Investor Relations

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

The website of BGR Asset Management (“Site”) and all its content are property of BGR Asset Management Ltda. (“BGR” or “Company”), enrolled with CNPJ under No. 48.730.767/0001-00 and located at Avenida das Nações Unidas 12.901, CENU, West Tower, office 1602, 16th floor, Brooklin Novo, Zip Code 04578-910. The terms and conditions established herein (“Terms and Conditions”) apply to all and any person who access and/or use the Site (“User”). By using it, the User agrees with these Terms and Conditions, as well as with the Privacy Policy of the Company.

General Information

The purpose of the Site is to provide to the public and to the shareholders of the Company, institutional, informative and relationship information, where it can be disclosed images, texts, articles and videos about the assets and social activities of BGR. BGR will endeavor to ensure that the information disclosed on the Site is updated and precise. However, BGR is not responsible for the results obtained from the use to be given based on such information. In addition, the information contained on the Site can be updated or modified periodically, therefore, it should not be interpreted as definitive.

Free enrollment

If the User is interested, he can freely subscribe to: (a) receive information by electronic mail (i.e., “Cadastre-se no Mailing”); (b) send doubts, complaints, or comments to BGR (e.g., “Fale Conosco” or “Fale com o RI”). In any case, the User should provide true, complete and precise information, being solely responsible for the information to be provided through the Site.


BGR can cancel the User’s subscription, at its discretion, if the User fails to observe the Terms and Conditions established herein, provide false, incomplete or imprecise information, or violates the intellectual property of the Company. BGR must treat as confidential any personal data that permits the identification of each User, according to its Privacy Policy. At any time, the User can request the exclusion of the User’s subscription, and BGR can retain any information to the extent required or permitted by the applicable legislation.

Intellectual Property

The User recognizes and accepts that the Site and its content constitute and/or incorporate brands, computer programs, property rights and other industrial property, and/or information that is and will remain to be of exclusive ownership of BGR and/or its partners (as the case may be), which are protected by the local legislation and by international treaties related to intellectual property. The User also acknowledges that these rights belong to BGR or were assigned under license to its holders, being BGR authorized to use this material as part of the Site. The User can only download, store and print the information available on the Site for personal use or for internal use of its organization. These Terms and Conditions do not provide for any assignment or transfer of ownership of rights related to intellectual property of BGR, being forbidden any change, adaptation, reproduction or republishing (printed or electronic) of any information obtained on the Site for commercial purposes without previous and express authorization of the Company.


These Terms and Conditions apply solely to the Site, and not to the access and use of third-party sites, even if the User has been directed to these sites through links available on the Site. BGR does not endorse, sponsor, recommend or accept any liability for any content or resource provided on these third-party sites, therefore we recommend that, when redirected to external sites, the User should consult the respective terms of use and privacy policy prior to using and/or providing any information. The User is solely responsible for the use of these third-party sites and BGR will not be held liable for any losses or damages caused or allegedly caused by or resulting from the User’s reliance on any such third-party sites.


The Site is disclosed as it is, without any express or implicit guarantee, including, without limitation, any guarantee of uninterrupted operation or free from flaws, virus or of appropriateness to a specific purpose. BGR will not be responsible for the operation, quality, appropriateness and/or security of the equipment, devices and/or infrastructure used by the User to access and use the Site, neither for any losses and/or damages caused by the failure to implement sufficient procedures to satisfy the security and data backup requirements. The User will be solely responsible for losses and/or damages anyhow related to or resulting from the noncompliance with these Terms and Conditions and/or applicable legislation.

The User also assumes all and any liability, either of civil and/or criminal nature, for undue use of the information, texts, charts, brands, works, and ultimately, of all and any intellectual property or industrial right available on the Site.

Periodical changes

These Terms and Conditions can be subject to updates at any time, and the current version will always be available on the Site for the User’s consultation. The access and use of the Site after any change in these Terms and Conditions constitute acceptance of such changes by the User.

Entire agreement

These Terms and Conditions constitute the thorough agreement between the User and BGR in relation to the access and use of the Site, and replace any former understanding. In case any of these Terms and Conditions is declared void or unenforceable, this void and unenforceable character will not affect any of their other provisions, which will remain in full force and effect.

Applicable Legislation and Court of Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the parties elect the jurisdiction of the City of São Paulo/SP to solve any doubts and/or disputes related to provisions established in these Terms and Conditions or to the access and use of the Site, renouncing any other courts however privileged they might be.